Knights of the Trinity

Defending our church against attacks

What can individuals do:

Write to the various media, friends and others

Learn the facts about the issues


We are not an organization but individuals, thus not a charity and thus we can support candidates that agree with Catholic issues. Thus, we are against Democrats, Liberals, and against Catholics like Pelosi, Biden, Kerry and many other so called “Catholic Politicians” mostly democrats that have supported abortion, same sex marriage, contraception and attacks on our Church!  We commit to take an active stance against those who against what the church teaches and to support our bishops. Unlike others who do little or nothing and those afraid to lose their IRS status.

          Put God back into our country –

The idea is to say prayers and offer everything you do as a prayer to God. You can keep quiet that you’re a Knight of the Trinity and God will know or you can spread the idea to others. Our nation needs prayers and our Church needs your action, now!  You know that many groups and individuals are failing to act because they are afraid of the IRS, you don’t have to worry if you are an individual working by yourself or with other individuals, God will know you by your actions. We have only one life to live to earn eternal life with the Trinity.

Christians should be aware that in the earliest teachings of the Apostles, “The Didache”, Abortion and murder are called “the way of death” and abortion is leading our country away from Jesus and at some time in the future all will suffer along with God.

Spread the following painting approved by Sister Lucy (Fatima) as to what she saw in her last apparition.


Men – Patron is Saint Louis

Women – Patron is Joan of Arc

Youth – Patron is the Youth Crusades

Catholic Church Ad

A priest speaks


Join in the mailing list by sending your e-mail to and pray for your bishop, parish pastor, help them and pray for our country.


1.   Attend the greatest prayer, go to Mass and offer it up for our country

2.   Have masses said for God’s peace

3.   Say the Rosary

4.   Gain Heaven for you and others in your family

5.   Learn your faith

6.   Pray for those in Purgatory

7.   Pray for your family, friends and others

8.   Be prepared for Jesus when He comes



We ask our non-Catholic brothers and sisters to join the same cause by coming together as people who will support life, marriage and morality.

Knights of the Trinity open to all Catholics loyal to the Vatican, you can be in another organization, but ours is individuals praying and getting active in defending our faith!

· No dues

· No ceremonies

· No meetings

· No uniform

· Support the faith, the Pope, the bishops and your pastor

· God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven!



Pray often and offer up everything you do daily to God

 Pray for our church, our pope, bishop, pastor, vocations, souls in purgatory, others, our country, and world peace

Assist your pastor, bishop, Pope, parish and the Church

 Learn about your faith so you can defend it

 Learn all the issues that others are attacking us on

 Confront those who attack our beliefs, especially those Catholics in politics that vote against our church’s beliefs and teachings

 Evangelize others and support the missionaries

 Support EWTN and their ministry plus others with your Time, Talents and Treasures

Perform parish ministries and take action while on earth, we have only one life here and eternity in Heaven!



Eternal life in Heaven, closer relation with fellow Catholics,

A closer relationship with God,

A deeper understanding of your Creator and faith,

A better life here

HOW TO JOIN: Just desire and follow the above, keep it secret or spread the word to others in your family, in your parish and other Catholics, inform your pastor and bishop, take action and join the battle.



New American Bible       Canon Law Catechism    

US Council of Catholic Bishops

Write your representatives and the media:

Senate        Congress     Media

Also fight for media to be even handle about reporting the news




Groups like



Boy Scouts of America






Against Obama and Democrats:

Obama has never been fully vetted by the media and others. Please join us in defeating democrats running in the November elections so that the GOP will gain the control of congress.




His administration stole the election by having the IRS threaten action against the church while people in his administration appeared in black churches.

He favored “Occupy Wall Street”, “Acorn” and other liberal radicals

Obama and what he needs to do:      Release your records

Tell blacks to vote the issues and not the color of a person otherwise they are racists

Become transparent with your background

Who paid for your college education?

Have you had a homosexual affair? He never sued a person who said that they had gay relations over a period of time.

How many times were you married?

You indicated that you never used another name but weren’t you Barry Soetoro?

Why did you and Michelle give up you law licenses?

What illegal drugs have you taken?

Would you take a lie detector test?

More to come:

Support for candidates that support Catholic issues

To come:



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