Saint Luke the Evangelist Journeymen


Newsletter Vol.1 Issue 1 May 14, 2001



The next meeting will be on May 26th AFTER the 9am mass. This is to

try to get more men out for the coming events.

Please check out the web pages,


Daily Readings site:


For the June 16th Father's Weekend Fishing event after the 9AM mass.

We are looking for volunteers to hand out fliers after the following

masses and dates. We also need speakers at the masses on 5/19-20 to

announce the event.

Please consider volunteering for the masses that you attend. Just fill

in your name and send back to me. I will update the list.

After Mass Coverage

5/19 - 5:30                                                               and  a Speaker -

5/20 - 8:00                                                               and a Speaker -

         11:00                                                              and a Speaker -

5/26 - 5:30    Joe Rothengast

5/27 - 8:00


6/02 - 5:30   Joe Rothengast

6/03 - 8:00


6/09 - 5:30  Joe Rothengast

6/10 - 8:00


We are accepting funds to help pay for the food, prize(s), porta potty, etc. and

will have a basket at the event. Early funds would help with the costs. You can

call, e-mail or see Larry Lintner, Bob Palmer or Rob Dear.

Yours in Christ,

Joe Rothengast